Some people have difficulty making their wishes known to their loved ones, others want to seek advice and assistance from a Funeral Director before the funeral is needed but do not require a pre-paid arrangement. You may know about the personal wishes of your loved one regarding what they would like at their funeral and wish to record their wishes whilst emotionally able.
Funeral wishes are often included in Wills, but this is not always appropriate as the content of the Will is sometimes not known until after the funeral has taken place.
Whatever the circumstances, if you know how you would like the funeral to occur and want to record your “Personal Wishes” with Daniel Ross Funerals, for future plans, then please contact us.
We can provide relevant documentation to ensure a record of your “Personal Wishes” is kept at our Eachelhurst Road, Sutton Coldfield funeral home. Additional copies can be made for your records.
No payment towards the funeral is needed until the funeral is needed. Once your wishes are recorded with us all you need to do is let your next of kin or executor know.
Your wishes can be added to and changed by you at anytime, without penalty.
There is no obligation with this arrangement, and it is a service provided free of charge, for your peace of mind.